I've been thinking a lot about life during the short duration of this year. There is a question that comes up in my mind many times, which is, "What am I going to contribute to this generation?" Am I just here to occupy space and to take up air, or am I here for something bigger than myself? I submit to you that you ARE indeed here for something bigger and greater than yourself and it's supposed to go on and on after you've left this planet.
Consider people like:
Martin Luther King, Jr. - He had a dream and did something about it. Now generations of people of all races can enjoy one another, if they choose to, without racial prejudice.
George Washington Carver - He had a dream and did something about it. Now generations of people can enjoy and reap the benefits of his inventions, which far exceeds the peanut (check your history).
Dr. Charles Drew - He had a dream and did something about it. Now, countless lives have been saved and healed through his discoveries regarding blood plasma.
Alexander Graham Bell - He had a dream and did something about it. Now, the world has a way of communication more intricate than anyone ever dreamed.
Benjamin Franklin - He had a dream and did something about it. Now, the world has the ability to harness and utilize the power of electricity.
Wilbur and Orville Wright - They had a dream and did something about it. Now, the whole world has enjoyed air travel, which was considered anathema by many, stating, "If God meant for man to fly, He would have given them wings." How many frequent flyer points do YOU have?
And what about people like:
Dr. David Yongi Cho - He had a dream and did something about it. Now, he's the pastor of the largest church in all the world in Seoul, Korea, well surpassing over 1 million members. He is also one of the strongest components in the world prayer movement.
Dr. Billy Graham - He had a dream and did something about it. Now, countless millions have their names recorded in the book of life and are being taught the Word of God.
Dr. Lester Sumrall - He had a dream and did something about it. Now, through the continuation of his work through his brother Steve, Feed the Nations Feeding Programs reach billions of people all around the world with food they would not have otherwise received.
Paul and Jan Crouch - They had a dream and did something about it. Now, the gospel of Jesus can be heard around the world through satellite.
Joni Ericson Tada - She had a dream and did something about it. Now, people around the world are blessed by her art, which she paints with a paint brush in her mouth! Millions are encouraged to face another day because of her courage.
Mark and Hulda Buntain - They had a dream and did something about it. Now, millions of people in Calcutta India have come to know the Lord Jesus through their faithfulness and tenacity. Even after Mark's passing, Hulda continues the work to this day.
All were told:
It can't be done.
You're crazy.
That's not possible.
Don't waste your time.
It's hopeless.
With their lives, all responded with:
It COULDN'T be done until I came along.
Nope. I'm more sane than anyone.
It WASN'T possible, but it is now.
I'm not wasting time, I'm taking advantage of an opportunity.
I've been gifted to bring hope into a hopeless situation.
We could go on and on about people who invented things, wrote songs and books, took earth shaking ventures, made world changing statements and decisions, preached life altering messages, and started movements that transformed the masses. But what about YOU? YOU have something that the world needs. YOU have a gifting that we're all waiting for. YOU have something on the inside of you that is awaiting YOUR recognition. Don't be intimated into stagnation by the world, circumstances, situations, or even the opinions of people. YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES. And in this day and age, we need what you have. So come one. What will people be reading about you in generations to come? How will YOU be remembered? What will be YOUR epitaph? What will be YOUR legacy? Will YOUR name be added to the list of achievers for the GOOD or for the BAD?
God has created you with purpose and destiny. Jesus had a dream, and it was YOU being transformed into His image, which is the image you were made to reflect. He did something about it when He died and rose again to save you and give you abundant life. Now, all the world can have fellowship with the Father once again and become what we were created to become. He's done all that needs to be done. He just waits for you to step into it.
Now it's up to you and no one else.