Monday, September 28, 2009


Lately, there seems to be some kind of heightened awareness in my heart. Something is happening all around me and it's very interesting to me. When Paul and I traveled together in the past, there were incredible times of worship that took us over and the presence of the Lord was really strong. Lately, though, when we travel now, it's different. God seems to be doing more in our midst than we've seen before.

Case in point: In Indiana about a month ago, a woman who was paralyzed in her left leg, had a battle with breast cancer, struggled with bone cancer, and had braces on her upper arms, was carried into a meeting we were ministering in. Miraculously, she got up and jogged on her own right there in the meeting.

Case in point: In Florida, we were ministering in a church and during the worship, 5-6 people who were partially or totally deaf were instantly healed without a hand being laid on them. Also, a man with curvature of the spine was instantly healed.

Case in point: In Texas, a young man who had fallen at a construction site and had badly damaged his back (his back was in the form of an "S") was instantly healed during the praise and worship. His back was straightened and his doctor was with him to verify the event.

Case in point: In Indiana, we were ministering at the same place mentioned above and it was brought to our attention that we were standing in a building that was given to them. The interesting thing is, Paul had prophesied about 1-2 years prior that this would happen, and EVERYTHING he prophesied came to pass, right down to the "salt and pepper shakers on the fellowship tables."

Case in point: In New Jersey, we were ministering at a messianic congregation where a woman invited about 10 Holocaust survivors and in that meeting they ALL received Yeshua (Jesus) as Lord of their lives.

Invitations are coming from high ranking individuals all around the world and the favor of the Lord is growing on this ministry.

What's going on? God is on the move, that's what. It would be a good thing for us to be as sensitive to Him and to His voice and heart as possible, because who knows, maybe YOU will be one of the next people who's shoulder He taps and says, "Hey, I need you to do something for Me. Are you willing?" When you get that nudge, Friend, DON'T shrink back and step away from His beckoning call. Step up and do it!

