Monday, November 29, 2010

Fighting for Faith

Today is a tough day. Each and every one of us have them, so welcome to reality, huh? And the crazy thing is you never know when they will show up. Stuff comes at you sideways and knocks you on you rear, and in that moment you have two choices: 1. stay down on the ground, curl up into a little ball, and pray that it all goes away soon, or 2. get up and start standing again.

You choose.

Something like that happened to me this thanksgiving. It was totally unwelcomed, uninvited, and far from desired, but came nonetheless. When the tailspin ensued, I found myself grasping for emotional stability and noticed in that moment how easy it is to want to gain comfort in anything else but the Lord. Needless to say, the battle has been great.

And that's exactly what it is even now: a battle.

But battling for what, is the question. Am I battling for mental stability? Am I battling for security? Am I battling for provision? No. I am battling for the faith to believe that God is greater than ANYTHING that could and will ever come against me, whether it be personal or corporately. I'm battling for the faith to believe that absolutely NOTHING escapes the all-seeing eyes of the Lord. He sees, He knows, and He IS involved. Emotions SCREAM loudly for me to run and escape. But it all still comes down to the words of Peter when Jesus asked if they were going to leave Him like the others: "Where else can we go, Lord? You alone have the words of eternal life." That really is the bottom line. Mental stability, security, provision, peace, joy, hope, confidence, all of these are found in the very capable hands of the Almighty, the Abba of our hearts.

Even when you are faced with the past as it rears it's pitiful ugly head yet again, He is STILL greater. And if your past blunders and sins have been removed from you in Jesus as far as the east is from the west, there is no need to blubber over it. Your past only has power over your future if you allow it, and you DON'T have to allow it. I don't have to allow it.

Strength is in the presence of the Lord. That's where I MUST run to. In so doing, I don't run from the issues, but rather I run into a place where I can see clearly how to deal with each and every one of them. The certainty of victory depends on the vantage point from which it is attempted. I'd rather attempt AND attain victory from God's vantage point instead of my own.

Fight for Faith!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Pressing Forward

At the time of this writing, I am on a plane heading home to Jacksonville, FL from Cincinnati, OH. We had an incredible time of worship this weekend, though not without it's challenges. One of the venues had issues that were out of our control, but affected what we do very directly and had to be overcome. Praise be to the Lord for bringing us success. God's presence was strong and powerful in our midst an many were blessed. At another venue this weekend, we were faced with exceptionally few issues and were even more free than before to enter into the presence of the Lord. That got me thinking.

Each time Paul and I go out to minister, there is always a sense of assignment that we feel. We know the Lord has called us to the place were we're going and that he has already prepared the way. That causes there to be great expectation and confidence in Him to accomplish exactly what He has declared for us. However, issues in the natural plague and attack our flesh all the time, causing us to potentially lose focus on what He has assigned for us and what He has declared and to instead focus on the problems coming against us. Once that happens, there is a battle that ensues and we must now fight to regain our stand in the Lord. But if we STAY focused on what God has declared and on what He has assigned for us, we will be better equipped to remain in position to be used by Him to accomplish His plan.

Case in point: Jesus declares to His disciples, "Let's go to the other side.". They all got into the boat and started across the see. As they went, Jesus went to sleep. But in the midst of the journey, the storm arose and the waves began to beat upon the boat. The winds began to blow increasingly and toss the boat around on the water. However, Jesus remained asleep until His disciples woke Him and asked Him, "Master! Don't You care that we Re perishing!?" Jesus rises and rebukes the storm and the waves and then turns to His disciples and said a most curious thing: "Why is it that you have no faith?"

I've heard it taught that Jesus was telling them that THEY had been given authority to calm the storm. And though I do subscribe to that thought to a degree, could it be that it was something much simpler than that?

I submit this: Jesus was telling them, "Listen, Guys. When I told you that we were going to the other side, I didn't say we'd get there if the weather permitted. I said we're going to the other side because we have an ASSIGNMENT to complete there. So next time, I want you to believe me when I DECLARE something to you, ok? Ok."

The point is this: Whatever God has declared over your life, put your TOTAL confidence in His word because it will SURELY come to pass exactly as He said. Understand that there will always be opposition to your stand for God and for the Kingdom, but if we stay in our position of victory regardless of experience, if w fight to hold on to what we KNOW God gas told us, we will see our God-given purpose become a reality.

Press forward toward that which God has declared, but leave the fulfillment of His word in His hands. You and I are not big enough, strong enough, wise enough, ANYTHING enough (smile) to make it happen. We do what is before us to do and watch Him be faith to "complete that which He has began in you."



Friday, November 12, 2010

"Welcome Into the Stuff"

There's a little phrase that sits in a frame on my desktop that I have sitting in from of me everyday. The phrase reads, "The man who KNEELS to God can STAND up to anything." That phrase is something that I try to practice everyday, though I don't always succeed. I mean, sometimes I come into the office and am more focused on welcoming the day instead of inviting the Lord of the day. Know what I mean? That's something that I really want to change.

It's sort of like stepping into a gun fight without putting bullets in the gun (ha)! That's not a good way to fight, but it's a great way to get slaughtered! And when we neglect kneeling before the Lord to welcome Him into our stuff, we become powerless to fight against the things that hit us. But welcoming God into the midst of our stuff, whatever our "stuff" is, gives us a much better perspective on how to view it. He empowers us to stand up in the midst of the stuff because we are able to see it from His perspective instead of our own.

Consider Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6:13-18. They were surrounded by the Syrian army and the servant became deathly afraid. Elisha told the man not to fear for "more are with us than are with them." He prayed for God to open the man's eyes, and when he did, the man saw the mountains full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding the Syrians. One perspective was that of the "stuff" while the other perspective was that of the Lord. Notice that the perspective they gave their attention to was the deciding factor in their victory or defeat. And because they were enabled to "see" from a different perspective, they walked out in victory.

If you're going through the "stuff" today, I encourage you to welcome the Lord into the midst of it and see from His perspective instead of what you're facing. What does God say about it? How does He see it? What's more is how does He see YOU in it? If you are willing to believe foudationally that God loves you, that He has your best in mind, that He's for you and not against you, that He is working on your behalf for good and not for evil, and are willing to fight for those foundational convictions, you will have positioned yourself to see CLEARLY from His perspective. These foundational convictions are to be the backdrop of our lives in Him from the beginning. The enemy knows this and tries to discredit God in our hearts all the time. If he succeeds in doing that, he weakens us at our core and then attacks with a vengeance.

Welcome God into your "stuff" today and see the salvation of your God. He's for you.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reflections on How Cool God Is...

So many times, stuff happens, ya know? I was sitting in my office and some friends walked in with a guest. As I stood there talking to them, the Lord began to reveal some things about the guest, whom I'd never met before, to encourage them with. Now, I had just gotten back home from a major ministry trip with Paul Wilbur and had been met with our only vehicle being out of commission. We had no money to cover the repairs. I had a fight going on in the inside to just stay positive. And when you have to fight to stay positive and had just poured out of your spirit for 6 days straight, it really is a challenge. You're tired physically and still have to hear God to minister to others.

Kinda tough at times under those conditions.

But along comes the Holy Spirit to help. As I stood there conversing with them, the Lord began to show some things in this friends life that He wanted to encourage over. He began to speak as this tired keyboard person began to listen. He received the glory and a fellow member of the family of the Lord was encouraged and edified.

It's always amazing what the Lord can do even if you're not feeling like you're in a position to be used by the Holy Spirit. Just goes to show that it's not us, but it's all Him and however He desires to flow.

Just be available to Him even in your weakness.

God bless you richly!