You know,time is a bit of a frustrating thing sometimes. It scurries on minding it's own business as well as affecting yours. It is always important and necessary to maintain the consistency of that which cannot be shaken. The confidence of the Lord's faithfulness at all times must NEVER be surrendered to the whim of circumstances. I believe me, as I'm sure many of you know, "stuff" always tries to shake that reality.
You MUST remember that at the foundation of your life is the never ending love of God toward you at ALL times. There wasn't anything you could do or have done in order to cause Him to love you more and there is nothing you can do to cause Him to love you any less. I encourage you to keep that at the forefront of your heart at all times. He loves you more than you could ever imagine.
His plans toward you are nothing less than good. Therefore, you can trust that He will never do anything in you life or to your life that is to result in your demise. It will ALWAYS be used for your good and for the good of the kingdom.
You never really know when the final tick of the clock will strike, so it is necessary to be ready to fight as needed for your confidence. NEVER give up to the enemy that which Jesus died and rose again to grant to you.
Your anointing individually is powerful, but when your anointing mingles together with the rest of the body of Messiah, it is much more difficult to stop. The anointing grows to astronomical sizes when joined together with others forth COMMON good. The old statement, "No man is an island" comes into play here. Life was never meant to be lived void of others. We all need each other and the enemy would want to discredit those connected to us in massive ways to cause dissension. We must wage war on that ugly enemy. Remaining steadfast in the midst of challenge is key to our survival. Steadfast in faith, steadfast in trust, steadfast in peace. Keep working hard to stand.