Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is Anybody Out There?

You ever hear the phrase, "Stuff Happens?" That's a little safer than how many others say it, but anyway.... It's true that stuff happens. Many times it's stuff we don't usually have any control over, Which makes it tough because we can begin to feel that we're at the mercy of our circumstances. We bow down and cower at the feet of circumstances and issues in life feeling like it's hopeless to go against the grain. And then we begin to feel like we're the only one going through our type is struggle.

But that's not true.

There isn't anything under the sun that happens to us that someone else either HAS gone through, IS going through, or is COMING OUT of what we're going through. The question is: "Will you be humble enough to recieve from the what they've learned or are learning?" You have a choice in this life about how you will live. How you decide will deternine the outcome.

Stuff happens. Issues come and go. But what will you subscribe to when the stuff happens? What will you choose to focus on in the midst of difficult times? What will yor words sound like? What kind of conversation will you participate in? The answers to these questions and many others will decide how much of God's peace you will allow into your life. He has already given us His peace in Jesus. How much of His peace do you really want?

Listen. You're not alone in what you're experiencing right now. God IS walking with you through it, and you'll be able to recognize that if you allow yourself to. How do you allow yourself to recognize His presence? You CHOOSE TO BELIEVE HIM over your circumstances, situations, issues, and even self-condemnation. He promised He'd NEVER leave or forsake you. He said He loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremaiah 31:3) and He didn't lie. On the contrary, the enemy tries to persuade you to the opposite of what God has said. And if you choose to believe what he says, he's got you.

But you're not that way.

You're the kind of person who knows better. You've walked with God too long to fall into the trap of doubting Him to the point of no return. No, you're one that believes Him because you've seen His faithfulness. And if He's been faithful in the past, you're one that knows He'll be faithful in the present and in the future.

So listen. When you go through hard times, cling to His faithfulness REGARDLESS of what you see with your eyes, hear with your ears, or feel in you emotions. Believe Him. Will it change your circumstances? Maybe. Maybe not. But will it change you?


You'll find the strength in Him to keep on going.

"Keep on keeping on!"


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