Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Understanding Without Understanding...

You know, God is amazing.  He has been faithful and constant all the time, even when it seemed like He just wasn't around or just didn't care.  I find in my life that all the times I felt like He was simply ignoring me, He was actually working on my behalf behind the scenes and I had no idea.  In reality, He kinda-sorta was ignoring me, but not in the way we usually think.  He was not ignoring me just for the sake of ignoring me.  Instead, He was giving His attention to something that had to be handled in order for me to experience the abundant life He promised.  He NEVER ignores out of spite, but out of concern.
Some may say, "Yeah, but don't you think that the whole idea of ignoring is pretty harsh, given the days we live in?  Seems kinda mean, wouldn't you say?"  Well, on one hand, yes I would agree it's a little harsh.  But not very different from when YOU sort of ignore your own children or friends in order to accomplish something for them that you KNOW is in their best interest.  Have you ever done that?  I mean, really, come on.  Be honest with yourself.  Have you?  
Neither you nor I are better parents than God is.  Oh, we sometimes like to think that we're so much more advanced in our thinking than He is because we view Him as being outdated or archaic.  But how foolish.  He knows how to handle His kids and knows what is best for them at all times.  He works feverishly to prepare the future for them at all costs.  How amazing is that.
The challenge for us is to trust in the face of misunderstanding.  I struggle with this all the time and God has been faithful to patiently win me over with His consistency.  I many times fail to understand what in the world is going on and why, and He doesn't always tell me what's what, either.  And that's when it gets REALLY difficult.  But see, there HAS to be a principle that we live this thing out by which will direct our heart's focus if we give attention to it.  By that principle, you are able to understand even when you don't understand.  The principle I strive to keep in the forefront of my heart is found in Jeremiah 31:3, which says, "...I have loved you with an everlasting love.  Therefore, I am drawing you with my lovingkindness."  If I know that His feelings toward me is love continually, that helps me to rest, be it ever so difficult at times, in His plans for my life (Jeremiah 29:11).  I haven't mastered it yet, but I'm far better off than I used to be.
So take heart today.  I don't know what you're going through and I don't have an answer as to why, but I know it's not because God is ticked off at you and is taking out His aggression on you.  He doesn't function that way.  The principle I listed above isn't just a principle for me, but for you, too.  Why?  Because it's in the word of God and His word is not for a select few, but for ALL who claim Him as their Lord and Savior and strive to live in obedience to Him.  That's YOU.  His heart toward you is love continually, He draws you with His lovingkindness constantly, and He works feverishly regarding your future because He has planned it all out for your good. 
No matter what happens in your life, good or bad, hard or easy, joyful or traumatic, He is not out to get you, but is for you always, even unto the end of the age.  It may be hard to believe sometimes, but it's true.  Give your attention to the PROMISE NOT THE PROBLEM.

Feel better today!



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