Sunday, December 26, 2010


You know,time is a bit of a frustrating thing sometimes. It scurries on minding it's own business as well as affecting yours. It is always important and necessary to maintain the consistency of that which cannot be shaken. The confidence of the Lord's faithfulness at all times must NEVER be surrendered to the whim of circumstances. I believe me, as I'm sure many of you know, "stuff" always tries to shake that reality.

You MUST remember that at the foundation of your life is the never ending love of God toward you at ALL times. There wasn't anything you could do or have done in order to cause Him to love you more and there is nothing you can do to cause Him to love you any less. I encourage you to keep that at the forefront of your heart at all times. He loves you more than you could ever imagine.

His plans toward you are nothing less than good. Therefore, you can trust that He will never do anything in you life or to your life that is to result in your demise. It will ALWAYS be used for your good and for the good of the kingdom.

You never really know when the final tick of the clock will strike, so it is necessary to be ready to fight as needed for your confidence. NEVER give up to the enemy that which Jesus died and rose again to grant to you.

Your anointing individually is powerful, but when your anointing mingles together with the rest of the body of Messiah, it is much more difficult to stop. The anointing grows to astronomical sizes when joined together with others forth COMMON good. The old statement, "No man is an island" comes into play here. Life was never meant to be lived void of others. We all need each other and the enemy would want to discredit those connected to us in massive ways to cause dissension. We must wage war on that ugly enemy. Remaining steadfast in the midst of challenge is key to our survival. Steadfast in faith, steadfast in trust, steadfast in peace. Keep working hard to stand.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Path...

In this season and time, there seems to be some kind of universal sense in almost everyone I have come in contact with lately. It's the sense of beginning to do what they have been called of the Lord to do. There is a sense of searching in the hearts of many wondering what on earth they are supposed to be about in the first place. I have felt this myself in this season as well, wondering what and where is my place in God's overall plan. What does my piece of the puzzle look like? What is the expression I'm supposed to contribute in His plan for the world?

I find this to be an extremely important question to answer because it really identifies with whom we are to partner with in order to accomplish our purpose. You see, nothing of what we are called to do in the earth today is to be done alone. God has called us all to work together for the advancement of His kingdom and for the building up of His body, the body of Messiah. If we do not have the proper alignments, we will hinder the effectiveness we are meant to have. It will mean the Lord will need to either make work what we have locked ourselves into, or He will have to work things differently in our lives to get us back on track. Never the less, in all of this, He will turn it around for our good and for the good of the Kingdom. I would just rather get it right the first time instead of having to take the "make up test," if you know what I mean.

In this season just before a brand mew year, I encourage you to join me in seeking the face of God for our purpose and the expression thereof. If we hear it right the first time, we will have less time to have to make up or catch up. There is a path for each and every one of us to walk. We do well to hear HIS voice and gather HIS plan in order to accurately walk it out.

A pastor friend of mine said years ago, "There are souls waiting on the other side of your obedience." I really try to take that to heart as much as possible. In this season, hear the voice of the Lord for your life. Patiently wait on what He tells you regardless of the things in your life that try to get you to rush His process. But once you hear, be faithful to OBEY His word regardless of how insurmountable or scary it may seem, if that is the case. If HE said you are to do thus and so, then you are guaranteed EVERYTHING He has declared over you.

THIS is the time when this generation needs you to be in YOUR place! Step up to the plate a take a swing. Who knows? You just might hit one out of the ballpark!

See you on the path...


Monday, November 29, 2010

Fighting for Faith

Today is a tough day. Each and every one of us have them, so welcome to reality, huh? And the crazy thing is you never know when they will show up. Stuff comes at you sideways and knocks you on you rear, and in that moment you have two choices: 1. stay down on the ground, curl up into a little ball, and pray that it all goes away soon, or 2. get up and start standing again.

You choose.

Something like that happened to me this thanksgiving. It was totally unwelcomed, uninvited, and far from desired, but came nonetheless. When the tailspin ensued, I found myself grasping for emotional stability and noticed in that moment how easy it is to want to gain comfort in anything else but the Lord. Needless to say, the battle has been great.

And that's exactly what it is even now: a battle.

But battling for what, is the question. Am I battling for mental stability? Am I battling for security? Am I battling for provision? No. I am battling for the faith to believe that God is greater than ANYTHING that could and will ever come against me, whether it be personal or corporately. I'm battling for the faith to believe that absolutely NOTHING escapes the all-seeing eyes of the Lord. He sees, He knows, and He IS involved. Emotions SCREAM loudly for me to run and escape. But it all still comes down to the words of Peter when Jesus asked if they were going to leave Him like the others: "Where else can we go, Lord? You alone have the words of eternal life." That really is the bottom line. Mental stability, security, provision, peace, joy, hope, confidence, all of these are found in the very capable hands of the Almighty, the Abba of our hearts.

Even when you are faced with the past as it rears it's pitiful ugly head yet again, He is STILL greater. And if your past blunders and sins have been removed from you in Jesus as far as the east is from the west, there is no need to blubber over it. Your past only has power over your future if you allow it, and you DON'T have to allow it. I don't have to allow it.

Strength is in the presence of the Lord. That's where I MUST run to. In so doing, I don't run from the issues, but rather I run into a place where I can see clearly how to deal with each and every one of them. The certainty of victory depends on the vantage point from which it is attempted. I'd rather attempt AND attain victory from God's vantage point instead of my own.

Fight for Faith!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Pressing Forward

At the time of this writing, I am on a plane heading home to Jacksonville, FL from Cincinnati, OH. We had an incredible time of worship this weekend, though not without it's challenges. One of the venues had issues that were out of our control, but affected what we do very directly and had to be overcome. Praise be to the Lord for bringing us success. God's presence was strong and powerful in our midst an many were blessed. At another venue this weekend, we were faced with exceptionally few issues and were even more free than before to enter into the presence of the Lord. That got me thinking.

Each time Paul and I go out to minister, there is always a sense of assignment that we feel. We know the Lord has called us to the place were we're going and that he has already prepared the way. That causes there to be great expectation and confidence in Him to accomplish exactly what He has declared for us. However, issues in the natural plague and attack our flesh all the time, causing us to potentially lose focus on what He has assigned for us and what He has declared and to instead focus on the problems coming against us. Once that happens, there is a battle that ensues and we must now fight to regain our stand in the Lord. But if we STAY focused on what God has declared and on what He has assigned for us, we will be better equipped to remain in position to be used by Him to accomplish His plan.

Case in point: Jesus declares to His disciples, "Let's go to the other side.". They all got into the boat and started across the see. As they went, Jesus went to sleep. But in the midst of the journey, the storm arose and the waves began to beat upon the boat. The winds began to blow increasingly and toss the boat around on the water. However, Jesus remained asleep until His disciples woke Him and asked Him, "Master! Don't You care that we Re perishing!?" Jesus rises and rebukes the storm and the waves and then turns to His disciples and said a most curious thing: "Why is it that you have no faith?"

I've heard it taught that Jesus was telling them that THEY had been given authority to calm the storm. And though I do subscribe to that thought to a degree, could it be that it was something much simpler than that?

I submit this: Jesus was telling them, "Listen, Guys. When I told you that we were going to the other side, I didn't say we'd get there if the weather permitted. I said we're going to the other side because we have an ASSIGNMENT to complete there. So next time, I want you to believe me when I DECLARE something to you, ok? Ok."

The point is this: Whatever God has declared over your life, put your TOTAL confidence in His word because it will SURELY come to pass exactly as He said. Understand that there will always be opposition to your stand for God and for the Kingdom, but if we stay in our position of victory regardless of experience, if w fight to hold on to what we KNOW God gas told us, we will see our God-given purpose become a reality.

Press forward toward that which God has declared, but leave the fulfillment of His word in His hands. You and I are not big enough, strong enough, wise enough, ANYTHING enough (smile) to make it happen. We do what is before us to do and watch Him be faith to "complete that which He has began in you."



Friday, November 12, 2010

"Welcome Into the Stuff"

There's a little phrase that sits in a frame on my desktop that I have sitting in from of me everyday. The phrase reads, "The man who KNEELS to God can STAND up to anything." That phrase is something that I try to practice everyday, though I don't always succeed. I mean, sometimes I come into the office and am more focused on welcoming the day instead of inviting the Lord of the day. Know what I mean? That's something that I really want to change.

It's sort of like stepping into a gun fight without putting bullets in the gun (ha)! That's not a good way to fight, but it's a great way to get slaughtered! And when we neglect kneeling before the Lord to welcome Him into our stuff, we become powerless to fight against the things that hit us. But welcoming God into the midst of our stuff, whatever our "stuff" is, gives us a much better perspective on how to view it. He empowers us to stand up in the midst of the stuff because we are able to see it from His perspective instead of our own.

Consider Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6:13-18. They were surrounded by the Syrian army and the servant became deathly afraid. Elisha told the man not to fear for "more are with us than are with them." He prayed for God to open the man's eyes, and when he did, the man saw the mountains full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding the Syrians. One perspective was that of the "stuff" while the other perspective was that of the Lord. Notice that the perspective they gave their attention to was the deciding factor in their victory or defeat. And because they were enabled to "see" from a different perspective, they walked out in victory.

If you're going through the "stuff" today, I encourage you to welcome the Lord into the midst of it and see from His perspective instead of what you're facing. What does God say about it? How does He see it? What's more is how does He see YOU in it? If you are willing to believe foudationally that God loves you, that He has your best in mind, that He's for you and not against you, that He is working on your behalf for good and not for evil, and are willing to fight for those foundational convictions, you will have positioned yourself to see CLEARLY from His perspective. These foundational convictions are to be the backdrop of our lives in Him from the beginning. The enemy knows this and tries to discredit God in our hearts all the time. If he succeeds in doing that, he weakens us at our core and then attacks with a vengeance.

Welcome God into your "stuff" today and see the salvation of your God. He's for you.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reflections on How Cool God Is...

So many times, stuff happens, ya know? I was sitting in my office and some friends walked in with a guest. As I stood there talking to them, the Lord began to reveal some things about the guest, whom I'd never met before, to encourage them with. Now, I had just gotten back home from a major ministry trip with Paul Wilbur and had been met with our only vehicle being out of commission. We had no money to cover the repairs. I had a fight going on in the inside to just stay positive. And when you have to fight to stay positive and had just poured out of your spirit for 6 days straight, it really is a challenge. You're tired physically and still have to hear God to minister to others.

Kinda tough at times under those conditions.

But along comes the Holy Spirit to help. As I stood there conversing with them, the Lord began to show some things in this friends life that He wanted to encourage over. He began to speak as this tired keyboard person began to listen. He received the glory and a fellow member of the family of the Lord was encouraged and edified.

It's always amazing what the Lord can do even if you're not feeling like you're in a position to be used by the Holy Spirit. Just goes to show that it's not us, but it's all Him and however He desires to flow.

Just be available to Him even in your weakness.

God bless you richly!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Emotions vs Truth

At the time of this writing, this is a rather trying time on a very personal level. Ever been there? Ever felt like things just keep going wrong in certain areas no matter how hard you try to make them go right? I mean, you've done everything you know to do as well as you could, but no matter what, it seems that things strike against you and you find yourself on the ground again and again and again.


That's the question that continues to emerge from the rubble of frustration.

Unfortunately, more often than not, there are no answers to that monumental question. However, there is one thing to understand. That is this: we all have a common enemy and he doesn't ever play or fight fair. He doesn't know the meaning of courtesy or demilitarized zones. His is a "destroy at all costs" mentality. He hates you and me. For those of you who read this and are believers in Jesus, he hates the God you serve. He hates what you were created to do and to become and he wants you to become unproductive in all areas of your life. He fears your success in the Lord and wants you gone. But he's not just after you, he's after the seed you sow. He is after your seed.

Everything we do now is a seed planted into our future and will one day yield a harvest. The question is, "What kind of future are we planting for?" That is determined by the seeds of works and words you sow today. Life is a field, a fertile land, so be careful what you plant in it.

But sometimes when you plant seed in the ground, it just doesn't seem to be yielding anything no matter how you cultivate it. It seems like it's a struggle from the word go. Yet in other places in the field, other seed seems to sprout up with no problem. Why? I don't know. But the thing to remember is that you DID plant the right seed into the RIGHT soil. Therefore, no matter how long it takes, a good farmer will be certain to continue to do what he knows to do and to expect the harvest he has been wanting in due time. It doesn't matter what he feels or sees because he KNOWS how the laws of planting seeds in fertile soil works, and it always works. Therefore, what his emotions scream at him, he has a choice to make: Does he listen to the emotions or cling to the truth?

That's how things are for us. Our emotions scream at us, "Just give up! It's useless! You'll never win! Things will never change! Prayer won't work because it hasn't up to now! You're forsaken and done! You're wasting you time on this or that!" But WHAT DID GOD SAY? What did God say about His own word? "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11. Now, did God say that His word wouldn't come back to Him void if it looks like it's working? No, He said it wouldn't come back to Him void PERIOD. And that includes HIS word that has come forth from YOUR mouth as well. His word is powerful seed planted in the soil of our hearts and released from our mouths. It is not dictated OR intimidated by what we FEEL with our emotions or SEE with our eyes.

I encourage you as I encourage myself with this note: BELIEVE GOD IN SPITE OF THE CIRCUMSTANCE.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Surely You're Kidding!

I received an email this morning from Godtube that just about took my breath away and made my blood boil. It was a story about a mosque being built at Ground Zero in New York. The statement made by the proponent of the building of the mosque said that it would be used as "a bridge for peace between Muslims and Americans." He goes on to say that the people desiring to have the mosque there were outraged at the attack on 9/11 and that is why they are wanting to erect the mosque.

GodTube video

Oh really?? Hmmmmm.

Tell me, where was the outcry from them condemning the attacks on 9/11? Why has it taken 10 years or so for them to surface with an "attempt" to do something about it or make a statement about it? Where is the consideration for and sensitivity towards the families who lost members in the collapse of the buildings on that day? And why now when we have a President who has on different occasions admitted he is a Muslim? Why now when the President has CLEARLY shown a bent toward Muslims and TOTALLY against the foundations upon which this nation was founded? Please understand and let me be clear. There is nothing at all wrong with being Muslim in the sense of being a people group. But there is something totally wrong with setting up what would be considered a monument to the destruction and murder of innocent people. And that is precisely how this edifice would be perceived.

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong when a people group affiliated with another people group responsible for the innocent and unnecessary deaths of thousands who did nothing to provoke it, desires to erect an edifice that represents the very people who committed such crime. What's worse it that something is wrong when some of the people of the land have no problem with it.

But something else is even more wrong.

WHERE IS THE CHURCH? Where are the believers, who have been given the right to bear the name of Jesus, that will stand up against injustice? Where are the intercessors that will join arms and bow the knee to pray for this nation and for the rulership of God to be manifest in our midst? Where is the outcry of the church against the unrighteousness in government? Where is the church that will band together and make their voices known at the voting booths? Are WE really that asleep? Have we REALLY given up our nation because of personal fear? Are we more concerned about offending others above offending God? What are we, the church, doing? Why are we silent.

What has happened to our nation?

Is this the "change" that this nation desires to embrace? Where are the absolutes? Where are the standards? Is there anyone who will put their foot down on solid ground and say, "NO! NOT HERE, NOT NOW, NOT EVER!"? We are a nation of survivors, a nation of people proud to be free. We are a nation that stands up for truth and righteousness. We are a nation founded on a solid and unmovable foundation and liberty fortified and purchased by the blood of countless brave Americans who embody the essence of what this nation stands for.

There was a day when the law meant something. There was a day when a slap in the face like this would NEVER be tolerated, much less given an audience. There was a time when the decisions of leadership in this nation would be immediately contested by a voice so loud, it would have shaken the foundations of the earth and knocked it off of its axis! Where is that voice now? Where are the watchmen on the wall who declare with a loud voice, "NOT ON MY WATCH!"? Where are the proud Americans who would dare to stand up in the face of tyranny and join forces to protect this nation and its inhabitants from enemies both foreign AND domestic? Are we so asleep? Have we changed from being the proud majestic Eagle to the frog boiling in a little water with NO IDEA he will be dead in a matter of minutes?

Here stands one.

This is MY nation and we have power in the polls, in the voting booths, in the media, and in print, and we CANNOT allow our voices to be silent. "Our voices become silent when our hearts become cold." May it not be said of us. May we not sit idly by and watch our nation become a sleeping giant again. Let the sleeping giant sleep no more! Let the mighty warrior be released to do battle against the forces that want to strip us of our God-given identity.


Friday, May 28, 2010


I was just thinking today about time. Each of us has time as a commodity, but time can either be a asset or an enemy, at least in the natural. We are born and in TIME we grow up. We make choices and in TIME we find out if they are wise choices or unwise. We do actions and in TIME discover if they are profitable or not. We live and in TIME we die. And the time differential could be a matter of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or even years.

But the question that comes to mind is "What do we DO with the time we have?" Our response to time can determine how we survive in days to come. And our response to time will also determine if it is an asset or an enemy to our lives. What I mean is sometimes we wait and wait for the right time, only to realize that the TIME has passed us and no we must either catch up or wait for the next "wave" of time to come. Other times we become impatient because time seems to be taking way too long. And as a result, we launch out prematurely to bring to pass what we're waiting for, only to realize that what we've actually done is launched ourselves into an even longer waiting time. We launch out at the wrong moment only to be forced to wait longer for the correct time to move. To many, time will be a teacher, but to some it will be a task master. We are the deciding factor.

What should one do with time? Many of us have been waiting for the return of the Lord to explode in the sky above when every eye shall see Him and time has progressed further and further. But one thing is certain: HE IS COMING! We just don't know when, even though the whole world is groaning in waiting for His appearing. So what should we DO during the TIME?

What is it that you have been called to DO? Are doing it now? If not, why not? Are you where you are supposed to be right now? Do you know? Are you living the way you are supposed to be living right now during the TIME? Are the relationships that surround you the relationships that are supposed to be in your life right now? Are they adding to your purpose or subtracting from your purpose? ARE YOU LIVING ON PURPOSE RIGHT NOW, OR JUST EXISTING? Only YOU can answer these questions for you. No one can answer them for you. No one can answer them for me. I will say this, though, "I want to be living on purpose and not by accident." TIME is too short for anything less.

What about you?

Just sayin'.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Living Is A Choice Pt. 2

Recently I posted a blog about living life on purpose. In it, I attempted to focus on living life by choosing who to live it for. I was stating that living life for "things" is really a waste of life because things wear out and break down. Things are temporary and run out. But choosing to live life in God is something that is well worth it. Well here, I just want to discuss the rest of the thought.

Making the choice is one thing, but really living life is quite another.

One of my favorite movies of all time is "Braveheart". In that film there is a very pointed moment when Wallace says to the wife of Longshank's son this awesome phrase: "Every man dies, but not every man really lives.". MAN I love that statement. I love it because to many times we miss out on life because we never really choose to live it. We have been given this incredible life to live and we end up missing out on it for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes it's fear of taking risks. Sometimes it's too much over thinking, etc. Instead, we should be people who take life by the throat and drain it of every bit of experience we can.

We were created to be adventurous people who approach life fearlessly and boldly. I think of Paul the Apostle who said that he had "finished the course, run the race, and kept the faith" declaring that he had lived his life in God to the fullest, leaving no stone unturned. He had completely spent and poured out his life and knew that there was a crown of glory awaiting him. Another film that I also thought was kinda cool was "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicolson and Morgan Freeman. These two terminally ill guys become friends and ine DECIDES to make a list of all the things he wanted to do before he died and set out to do it, and take his friend with him. And before they died, that's exactly what they do.

But know this: we do NOT have to wait for some terminal illness or something to get after really living life. We shouldn't need anything like that to motivate us to go for it. We were BORN with that motivation!!

I want to be one who could say like Paul, that I, too, have finished my course, I have kept the faith, and I have run the race. I don't want the Lord to have to say to me, "You did good, Son, but this is what else I had for you that you could have done". And I'm not just talking about stuff we DO, but also the stuff we could experience!

All I'm trying to say in this thing is GO FOR IT! Don't let yourself be short changes in life. Remember that Jesus said He came to give us life AND THA LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY. I challenge you to find the abundance He was speaking about, the abundance He has for YOU. Find your life in Him and begin to live that abundance His way, submitted to His will. If you'll do that, you'll find your life being SO MUCH MORE fulfilling.

And the world will be better for it!



Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Living Is A Choice"

I had a conversation with my wonderful son last night. It's one of those conversations that will last a lifetime. That conversation was rather pointed and spurred this thought in my heart. Many of the lives of people are lived at the mercy of circumstances, situation, issues, people's opinions, and the like, instead of being lived the way it was meant to live from the beginning. We were never meant to live our lives according to all of the those things, but rather to live our lives in fullness of what the Lord had intended for us to live. Now I know that many of us gain our life substance from what we do, and men are notorious for doing that. But I would like to suggest to us that we take a step back and look at what we're calling "living".

I know people who live to ride motorcycles. Their favorite thing is to get on their crotch rockets or hogs or what have you and feel the wind on their faces, throwing caution to the wind, and feeling free. Nothing wrong with that at all. Not in the least. Then there are people that live for the music and the stage. What drives them is the rush of the shouts of the crowd, the excitement of their name in lights, and the notoriety of their achievements. Their are people who live for sex, who live for food, you name it and there's bound to be someone who lives for it.

But here's a question.....

What happens when the motorcycles break down? What happens when the music stops and people are no longer cheering for you? What happens if something traumatic happens to your body and sex is no longer an option? What happens when you become too overweight to even enjoy food because is you attempt, you will die? You know what happens?

Your life ends.

If you live for money, eventually the money will run out. If you live for conquests of businesses, buildings, stocks and bonds, eventually there will be nothing more to conquer.

So what's my point? I'm glad you asked.

Look. Everything else we have in life to pour our energies into will require US to make happen. They are not self-sufficient and cannot stand on their own. They are powerless in life unless we do something with them. They need US to exist. But that's NOT what God has made available to us.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20, Moses said to the Children of Israel by the word of the Lord that God had placed before them LIFE and DEATH, BLESSING and CURSING. THEY had to make the choice of which they would take. There were consequences to both, but the choice was theirs. That same option stands before us today, everyday of our lives. If we CHOOSE to walk contrary to the word and the plans of God, we will experience the fruit of it. If we CHOOSE to walk in the ways the Lord has planned for us, we will experience the fruit of it. The question is: "WHICH FRUIT DO YOU WANT?" I mean, it's one thing to say YES to God, but it's a whole different thing to follow up our "yes" with obedience to His word and submission to His ways and plans.

It seems to be the "in" thing nowadays to "claim" to be a Christian without submitting to the plans of God in regards to that declaration. Therein lies our life. Walking WITH God is life. Walking WITHOUT God is death.

Listen. God says He came to give us life and that more abundantly (John 10:10). But remember that the life He offers has come at a high price and requires a high price from us as well. He said to "take up your cross and follow Me." All of us have a personal cross that we must carry in order to follow Him. For some, it's CHOOSING to lay down the desire for riding motorcycles IF it comes between them and God. For some, it's laying down eating food in excess IF it comes between them and God. For some, it's laying down the fame IF it comes between them and God. Do you see a pattern here? God has given us all good things to enjoy in this life and in the life to come. But the moment the "things" of this life become more important than living for and in obedience to Him, we have a major problem. He is to be FIRST and everything else second.

So what's YOUR cross? What do you hold dear to your heart that has become more dear to you than God? Are you willing to lay it down until things in your life are in the correct alignment? Would you be willing to lay it down forever if it is required? You have to choose.

I encourage US all to CHOOSE life.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Who Are You, Really?

Pressure. Fatigue. Worry. Stress. All of these are issues we all face on a daily basis. Situations come around and makes eveything go haywire. It mounts up more and more until it explodes in our faces. But then the situation tries to tell you how you should respond. Problem is when you do, you end up feeding the situation making it stronger against you and cause it to grow instead of diminish.

But who are you, really? Are you someone who is under the thumb of their circumstances? Are you someone who HAS to do what the circumstances tell you? Are you really powerless against the whims of issues in life and doomed to obey them?

I submit to you that if you are a believer in Jesus belonging to Him, you are most definitely NOT any of the above.

I think about police officers who encounter criminals at large. Let's say it's a hostage situation. The criminal says that he WILL NOT come out without his demands being met. And if his demands aren't satisfied, he will take a life. Now, all the circumstances say, "Give this guy what he wants!". But in reality, the officers hear what the criminal is saying, but they respond according to a higher standard. They respond according to a different set of rules, and these rules supercede the rules of the criminal. They have been given the authority to act within the realm of those rules to the fullest extent. And in the end, the higher rule of authority wins. Why? Because the law is the final authority and the criminal will submit to the higher rule of authority either WILLINGLY or UNWILLINGLY, BREATHING or not BREATHING one way or another.

Now, how does that apply to us, you may ask?

Jesus has given you authority OVER YOUR OWN EMOTIONS which will not necessarily decide the outcome of the situations, but will decide the EFFECT of the situation in YOUR life. Circumstances, like the criminals, DO NOT have the right OR the authority to tell you how to live unless you give it that authority. God has empowered you with a Higher Rule of Law than the rules of situations and issues.


There is something greater on the inside of you than the situations around you. The circumstances will come AND go, but the word of the Lord will stand forever. And His word toward you is for your good and for your success. Again, realize that the circumstances may not change right away, but YOU can change. Let the Lord show up on your behalf. Give Him your FULL attention instead of yielding attention to the issue. When you do this on a consistent basis, peace will meet you and lift you up.

Be encouraged!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Random Thoughts

We're on our way today to Ft Myers and Naples, FL to minister. There is anticipation of what the Lord has in store for us. At this start of a new year there is an even greater sense of being on target and purposeful in what we do.

All of last year we sense that there was a change or shift in what we are doing as a ministry. God seemed to be moving us from just going and ministering wherever to ministering as a result of being on assignment.

There is a difference.

Now, when Paul and I go out to different places to minister, we recognize that we are going somewhere to minister with something the Lord plans to release through us specific to the congregation or city we are in. And so far He has been faithful to meet us at each and every location ministering in power.

We have seen God heal people instantly without anyone laying hands on them and we've watched as countless many have come to give their hearts to him.

I encourage you in this year to really lock in with the Spirit of God to find out your "assignment" and start walking accordingly. You'll find yourself living life more full because you'll be doing what you were created to do. Set your sights on God and strive to see His FACE and His purpose and live out of that place.

Friday, January 1, 2010


We have just stepped over a line drawn in the sand. 2009 has come to an end and 2o10 has just begun. There have been many things that have occurred in 09 that are mind boggling and surprising. I think we can all attest to that in our own individual lives. Changes, surprises, challenges, victories, defeats, successes, failures, all of these are things we can all attest to at one point or another.
However, as I write this, I must say that I tremble inside. I shudder to take the step I am about to take with this writing because it challenges me personally as I trust it will challenge you.

I believe that in 2010:

- There is a line being drawn in the sand by the Spirit of God. The line is the place where the ones who claim to belong to God will have to decide if standing for Him is more important than being liked by everyone else. This is a line of "chose you this day whom you will serve." This is a line drawn where people who are "playing" church, or go to church "just to get their church on," will need to decide if they will continue to live that way or shake off that mindset and truly surrender to God in every area.

- There will be greater opportunity to press deeper into God to know Him. Much of the work of the Lord has been hidden from the eyes of all and has been reserved only for those who will dare to press in to know. This is the time when the "trustworthy" and the "trust-able" will be shown step by step what the activity of the Spirit of God is in this hour. These will be those who will rightly discern the moving of the Lord, but will be faithful stewards of the information they receive and speak them ONLY when instructed to. Many yearn to know, but too few pay the price. The Spirit of God is calling for all who desire to know Him to pay the price for intimacy with Him.

- This WILL be a year of breakthrough, but for MANY it will not be the breakthrough they thought would happen, nor will it be the breakthrough they have heard preached. For some, it will be a breakthrough regarding blessing and favor and provision. For some it will be breakthrough in relationship with others, breakthroughs in jobs, etc. But for MANY, it will be breakthroughs in intimacy with God, for therein lies their breakthrough. They may not see the financial prosperity that they've longed for, no, but instead they will see the breakthrough that is critical for them to have IN ORDER TO RECEIVE the breakthrough they desire. God is raising up a people who will go beyond what is "desired" to what is "needed." It will be different for everyone, but regardless of the difference, it WILL be breakthrough.

- God will begin to bring an end to useless revelations spoken out of the souls of men and will begin to show Himself strong and mighty regarding His word. The end is coming for mockers to have their time. But know this: The mockers are not just those who mock OUTSIDE the church, but INSIDE as well. God is dealing with those who mock Him by living double lives; life one way in the church and another way outside of the church. BE WARNED.

Please understand, I am not attempting to say that all of this will be fully accomplished in the year 2010. Rather, I believe this is the starting point of these things that will be accomplished in time. We MUST be careful to be on the correct side with Him. Never the less, you and I MUST choose. We will either be FOR Him and AGAINST Him, which will be shown in the way we live our lives both publicly AND privately.

So in this year 2010, PLEASE look deeper into the Lord and surrender everything. Let your lives and may my life be lived pleasing God in everything we do. Will we fail? Most likely. But the real question is, "WILL WE GET UP AND RUN TO HIM OR RUN FROM HIM?" I'm running TO Him.

How about you?