However, as I write this, I must say that I tremble inside. I shudder to take the step I am about to take with this writing because it challenges me personally as I trust it will challenge you.
I believe that in 2010:
- There is a line being drawn in the sand by the Spirit of God. The line is the place where the ones who claim to belong to God will have to decide if standing for Him is more important than being liked by everyone else. This is a line of "chose you this day whom you will serve." This is a line drawn where people who are "playing" church, or go to church "just to get their church on," will need to decide if they will continue to live that way or shake off that mindset and truly surrender to God in every area.
- There will be greater opportunity to press deeper into God to know Him. Much of the work of the Lord has been hidden from the eyes of all and has been reserved only for those who will dare to press in to know. This is the time when the "trustworthy" and the "trust-able" will be shown step by step what the activity of the Spirit of God is in this hour. These will be those who will rightly discern the moving of the Lord, but will be faithful stewards of the information they receive and speak them ONLY when instructed to. Many yearn to know, but too few pay the price. The Spirit of God is calling for all who desire to know Him to pay the price for intimacy with Him.
- This WILL be a year of breakthrough, but for MANY it will not be the breakthrough they thought would happen, nor will it be the breakthrough they have heard preached. For some, it will be a breakthrough regarding blessing and favor and provision. For some it will be breakthrough in relationship with others, breakthroughs in jobs, etc. But for MANY, it will be breakthroughs in intimacy with God, for therein lies their breakthrough. They may not see the financial prosperity that they've longed for, no, but instead they will see the breakthrough that is critical for them to have IN ORDER TO RECEIVE the breakthrough they desire. God is raising up a people who will go beyond what is "desired" to what is "needed." It will be different for everyone, but regardless of the difference, it WILL be breakthrough.
- God will begin to bring an end to useless revelations spoken out of the souls of men and will begin to show Himself strong and mighty regarding His word. The end is coming for mockers to have their time. But know this: The mockers are not just those who mock OUTSIDE the church, but INSIDE as well. God is dealing with those who mock Him by living double lives; life one way in the church and another way outside of the church. BE WARNED.
Please understand, I am not attempting to say that all of this will be fully accomplished in the year 2010. Rather, I believe this is the starting point of these things that will be accomplished in time. We MUST be careful to be on the correct side with Him. Never the less, you and I MUST choose. We will either be FOR Him and AGAINST Him, which will be shown in the way we live our lives both publicly AND privately.
So in this year 2010, PLEASE look deeper into the Lord and surrender everything. Let your lives and may my life be lived pleasing God in everything we do. Will we fail? Most likely. But the real question is, "WILL WE GET UP AND RUN TO HIM OR RUN FROM HIM?" I'm running TO Him.
How about you?
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