Thursday, October 1, 2009
But I must say that all the excitement of being here in the land where my Savior walked and lived, it is really short lived to an extent. What I mean is many times people come to this land with ENORMOUS expectation of some spiritual experience, and MANY do indeed have just that. But many have not. Some have come away from the land thinking, "Well, that was a nice trip." It begs the question of why. Why is it that some have this incredible experience in this land while others don't? Honestly, I don't know. I have no explanation for it. But this I do know: The expectation should be an extension of the DAILY expectation we have of meeting with the Lord everyday.
I think back to when Promise Keepers was really in full swing in the early days. So many men would come up to me and say, "Man! I can't wait to get to PK! It will be SUCH in amazing experience! God's all over that and I'm chomping at the bit to get there!!" Then after they went, they were singing a different tune. "Well, it WAS cool, but not all it was cracked up to be." I'm not necessarily saying that about this place, Jerusalem, because it IS an amazing experience being here. I am simply meaning being here is more FOR ME an extension of my desire to daily meet with the Lord right where I am wherever I am, whether it's here or in the US. God's presence can be just as rich at home as it is here. I think it all depends on your heart and your focus.
Please DO NOT misunderstand me. I am TOTALLY reveling in the fact that I'm walking on this soil and I am soaking it all in. But is it really necessary to go to certain special places to experience an even greater sense of God's presence? If so, how would you explain Paul and Silas in prison experiencing the presence of the Lord? What about Paul during a shipwreck? Or how about the apostle John on the island of Patmos in exile? Or the underground church in China? Or what about all the people that have been martyred for their faith and going through great persecution, all the while their praise and experience with God's presence grew all the more?
All I'm saying is that, (FOR ME, OK?), I want to be sure that I'm not coming to a "place" to experience the presence of the Holy One, the God of Abraham, Issac and Israel, the God of Jerusalem. I want to experience Him in the deepest of depths regardless of where I am, but to CELEBRATE Him here in HIS land!! Oh, how I celebrate Him here!!!! Oh, how I adore Him here!!! But that is an extension of how much I want to strive to daily celebrate and adore Him wherever I am.
Praise the Lord for Jerusalem!! Baruch Haba, B' Shem Adonai (Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!). Praise the Lord for this land. But even greater than this, Praise the Lord for who He is.
I love you, Abba!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Case in point: In Indiana about a month ago, a woman who was paralyzed in her left leg, had a battle with breast cancer, struggled with bone cancer, and had braces on her upper arms, was carried into a meeting we were ministering in. Miraculously, she got up and jogged on her own right there in the meeting.
Case in point: In Florida, we were ministering in a church and during the worship, 5-6 people who were partially or totally deaf were instantly healed without a hand being laid on them. Also, a man with curvature of the spine was instantly healed.
Case in point: In Texas, a young man who had fallen at a construction site and had badly damaged his back (his back was in the form of an "S") was instantly healed during the praise and worship. His back was straightened and his doctor was with him to verify the event.
Case in point: In Indiana, we were ministering at the same place mentioned above and it was brought to our attention that we were standing in a building that was given to them. The interesting thing is, Paul had prophesied about 1-2 years prior that this would happen, and EVERYTHING he prophesied came to pass, right down to the "salt and pepper shakers on the fellowship tables."
Case in point: In New Jersey, we were ministering at a messianic congregation where a woman invited about 10 Holocaust survivors and in that meeting they ALL received Yeshua (Jesus) as Lord of their lives.
Invitations are coming from high ranking individuals all around the world and the favor of the Lord is growing on this ministry.
What's going on? God is on the move, that's what. It would be a good thing for us to be as sensitive to Him and to His voice and heart as possible, because who knows, maybe YOU will be one of the next people who's shoulder He taps and says, "Hey, I need you to do something for Me. Are you willing?" When you get that nudge, Friend, DON'T shrink back and step away from His beckoning call. Step up and do it!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
"THE" Difference
You know, it has always amazed me how everything has a purpose. Everything that has been made was made with a specific use in mind. Eating utensils were created for people to use instead of having to use their hands. Vehicles of all types were made so that we could cover greater distances than we would if we had to travel by foot or by horse, or what have you. I even remember once when one of my kids got something really small stuck in their ear when they was younger. They even had a tiny tool at the hospital to get it out (and it was a couple hundred dollars for that!). Amazing.
It is interesting to me that we can find a purpose for almost each and every tool in a toolbox, but can't seem to decipher our own purpose. What's up with that?
Here we are, some of the most advanced minds in the world and yet many of use spend time trying to fulfill someone else's purpose instead our own. I'm not talking about helping someone fulfill a purpose or make a difference, but rather taking on the purpose of someone else as if it were our own. That's like the analogy I often use. A screwdriver was made to drive screws into things, but you COULD cut a cake with one. A credit card was made so that you could "spend money easily," but, if you know how, you could open a door with one (I've never quite figured out how to do that).
Things work best when they are functioning according to the purpose for which they were made. You were created to make a difference. You were created to make YOUR mark on this world and NOBODY can make that mark but YOU.
There's a not-so-old movie that Dennis Quaid did called "The Rookie" that I strongly suggest you watch about a baseball coach who steps out to fulfill a life-long dream. I won't tell you anymore in case you haven't seen it. There is one scene in it when he asked his father, whom he had grown far apart from over the years, for advice. He basically asked him, "Should I do this?" I thought the father had the most profound response. He said, "Well, it's fine to do what you CAN do, but ONLY until it's time to do what you were BORN to do." DUDE!! DOES THAT NOT JUST ROCK?!
Check it, ya'll. Don't live your life in the shadows longing to step out into the light. You might be waiting on God, but what if GOD is waiting on YOU?
There is a difference between making "A" difference and making "THE" difference you were created to make. Personally, I've had enough of just kinda going with the flow of living. I know I was made for something greater than what I've accomplished in my life and it's time to get after it. Risk is scary and uncomfortable. That's why it's called a "RISK." But when you think about it, what do you REALLY have to lose? You take a risk and it either pays off or it doesn't. My dear friend Liz Cooley said something to me one night while we were in college that really drove my life from that point on. I was telling her how afraid I was to try because I didn't want to fail. She stood up and yelled out, "OH NO, GREG! DON'T DO IT! If you DON'T try, YOU HAVE FAILED ALREADY!" From that moment I have been "trying" every chance I got. The problem is I seemed to have forgotten how to try. Why? Because of the "program." We get into a routine of living where everything just kinda works and we don't have to really even think about it much. It's a machine that runs fine and needs no help. The problem is we STOP living and begin existing.
I don't wanna do that anymore. Do you?
In this time and season, Man, it's time to be done with the mediocre. It's time to find your niche and work it to the bone. And you can't find your niche without connecting with the One who made you. He knows EXACTLY what it is and can guide you to it AND through it. So get with God and find out what you're REALLY supposed to be about, get His wisdom about the process, sever the ties with mediocrity, and DO IT.
There is a world out there (out here) waiting on you to start making "THE" difference you were BORN to make.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Driven By... ?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Silence is MORE than Golden...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
"Death to Auto Pilot"
Quite amazing.
The food industry has been influenced by technology as well. Instead of slaving over a hot stove everyday, we can now simply put food in a microwave and have it ready to eat in minutes. That which we only thought could be possible in science fiction and fantasy have now and are becoming a reality. And because of these conveniences, we can simply start the machine and it'll run all by itself. We can set things on auto and sit back while it all happens.
But what about relationships?
Technology is a good and necessary thing in this day. But have we forgotten what it's like to talk to one another face to face? I mean, I've been guilty of this, too, and it bothers me some. One family member is upstairs and another is downstairs and instead of getting up and GOING to them and speaking face to face, we send a text message or make call them on their cell phone. Again, I appreciate technology and use it daily, but I just don't want to lose touch with the "human" element of it all. I mean, now, it's unnecessary to even talk to a person on a phone. Everything is automated and your questions and needs are handled by a few simply programmed responses.
There's GOT to be more than this.
But the REAL question is, what is your relationship with God like? Is it like using technology? Do you rise up to speak with Him face to face or do you simply send Him a text message without any kind of interaction? Do we walk in love or do we simply turn on the machine and let things take their course?
Look, I'm not trying to slam anyone because I'm in no place to do so. But I'm just encouraging you to not get too satisfied in your walk with the Lord. Let it stay fresh and do all that is in your power to CULTIVATE RELATIONSHIP with Him. He does it for you and I 24/7 even when we have no signal on our cell phones (ha)! So look, He says He loves you with an everlasting love (Jer 31:3) so let that love be reciprocal, ok? "Death to Auto Pilot" Christianity, and life to an experiential relationship with God.
You CANNOT exhaust His resources. His love never fails, His faithfulness is everlasting, His power is unmeasurable. He is available to you at ALL times.
Let's enjoy technology, but let us LIVE for the Lord!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Understanding Without Understanding...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What Do You Want?
Friday, May 22, 2009
"Simplicity Again"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
"Who? Me?"
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Is Anybody Out There?
But that's not true.
There isn't anything under the sun that happens to us that someone else either HAS gone through, IS going through, or is COMING OUT of what we're going through. The question is: "Will you be humble enough to recieve from the what they've learned or are learning?" You have a choice in this life about how you will live. How you decide will deternine the outcome.
Stuff happens. Issues come and go. But what will you subscribe to when the stuff happens? What will you choose to focus on in the midst of difficult times? What will yor words sound like? What kind of conversation will you participate in? The answers to these questions and many others will decide how much of God's peace you will allow into your life. He has already given us His peace in Jesus. How much of His peace do you really want?
Listen. You're not alone in what you're experiencing right now. God IS walking with you through it, and you'll be able to recognize that if you allow yourself to. How do you allow yourself to recognize His presence? You CHOOSE TO BELIEVE HIM over your circumstances, situations, issues, and even self-condemnation. He promised He'd NEVER leave or forsake you. He said He loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremaiah 31:3) and He didn't lie. On the contrary, the enemy tries to persuade you to the opposite of what God has said. And if you choose to believe what he says, he's got you.
But you're not that way.
You're the kind of person who knows better. You've walked with God too long to fall into the trap of doubting Him to the point of no return. No, you're one that believes Him because you've seen His faithfulness. And if He's been faithful in the past, you're one that knows He'll be faithful in the present and in the future.
So listen. When you go through hard times, cling to His faithfulness REGARDLESS of what you see with your eyes, hear with your ears, or feel in you emotions. Believe Him. Will it change your circumstances? Maybe. Maybe not. But will it change you?
You'll find the strength in Him to keep on going.
"Keep on keeping on!"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
How Bad Do You Want it?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Just a Quick Passing Thought...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Can't Do Without...?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Living "LARGER"
Look. Jesus said that He came to give life and that life more abundantly. Is you life abundant FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD? The abundant life He came to give was not just for us to sit back and wallow in, but to be a blessing to the nations. But before I lose you on that one, hear this. Notice that He DID give US life more abundantly, which means we're supposed to be enjoying it, too, as well as sharing it with the world.
God doesn't want you to be some overly modest, religious, staunch, dry prude trying to "win the lost." He wants you to be a joyful, peaceful, steadfast, confident, faithful, exciting person whose life is fulfilled because of His presence. That will cause people to stand up and take notice. When you start living like that, regardless of circumstances and issues, they'll want what you've got.
My point is this: you are called of God to live life large! You're not meant to be beneath the circumstances, but above them, because you're not living according to what you see, but how you believe.
What do you believe about God today? whatever you believe about Him, that's exactly what you'll experience.
According to your faith, be it unto you.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
God Is On The Move!
But what I wanted to convey in this note is to simply tell you that God is one the move. He is still active in the world today regardless of what we see with our eyes or hear with our ears. Last night, I watched as God supernaturally healed people of all kinds of things, and I'm not just talking about headaches, either. I'm talking cancers, tumors, deafness, blindness, and on and on. Not one hand was laid on anyone. The healings happened through the declaration of the word and durning the worship.
People seem to have a hard time sometimes thinking that God doesn't do this kind of thing. Well, tell that to the guy who's ear just popped open during worship last night. So far lately, in each place we've gone to, this kind of stuff happens. Now, we don't go around telling people that they're gonna get healed if they come to our meetings. Our goal is to encounter the presence of God, and as a result, these things seem to take place. Don't ask me why.
But my point to you is this: don't let life rob you of God's presence in your life. Believe God whether you get a healing or not. Just believe God loves you and values you and be open to ALL that He wants to release into your life.
Let Him blow your mind.
(more to come)